
Our Little Fashion Diva

Morgan has a sense of style all her own! She always wants to pick her own outfits and is of the opinion the more patterns the better - regardless of color. Our kitchen countertop has become her personal catwalk, and we always love the show!


The Things Kids Say

Morgan is at that stage where she says the cutest things! She's formulating sentences like a grown-up but using three year old vocabulary and sometimes getting a little muddled in the process. The other day we saw a "Happy Cows" commercial promoting California cheese. About an hour later Morgan came to me and said, "Mom, I know why they call it California. Because it comes from all the cows, COW-lifornia!"

The next day we went to the zoo (it was Spring Break) and in the bird atrium Morgan points to a beautiful pink bird and exclaims with glee, "Look Mom, I see a Mango!" I guess flamingo is a pretty big word.

We Hit Double Digits!

We can't believe we have two ten-year-olds in the house! There's nothing like a child's birthday to make you feel old! We had a "fabulous" High School Musical 2 beach party this year with twelve ten-year-old girls getting pedicures (given by me) while watching the movie and eating pizza. Craig was supposed to be around to help with crowd control but we unknowingly planned the party for the same night that Miley Cyrus Stadium of Fire tickets went on sale and (awesome dad that he is) he stood in line FOREVER to get tickets as the girls' present. It was a great party with a great end when Dad made it home and announced where he'd been, followed immediately by girly shrieking!!!