
Victory is Sweet

(My [Craig] first post; Melissa's done all the others, FYI.) Clayton LOVES strategy games, and what better strategy game than Stratego? If you don't watch out, he'll play a pretty mean chess game, and against the computer he's figured out how to conquer the world in Risk. Against Dad, though, victory has eluded him . . . until the other night while playing Stratego at Grandma & Grandpa Besaw's party for Melissa's birthday, and aren't I so grateful that Madison (top picture) and Mackenzie (bottom picture) were feeling camera-happy and captured the moment for my posterity (and now anyone else on the planet who happens along this blog)!

If you look really carefully, you might be able to see a little blue captured flag in that little fist of his, but it's the great big smile that tells the tale. Congratulations, Bud--now we'll really know you've come of age when you can take on me and Grandpa in Scrabble; I don't doubt that day will come, though, not with the competitive nature of your Dad and (especially) Mom coursing through your veins!


It's War!

About a month ago Craig's company had a party where a couple of the guys had marshmallow shooters and we had a "war" of sorts. Ever since then, Clayton has been asking Craig if he would make some marshmallow guns. Well, Monday night as part of family night, Craig broke down and made a couple.
They have instantly become a hit among the six- and seven-year-old neighborhood boys. Yesterday Clayton planned a war with his best friend Jaxon, but when he called him, Jaxon hadn't finished his chores. So Clayton volunteered to go help Jaxon finish his chores so they could get started! The last thing he said on the phone before going to help with the chores was, "I'm ready for war, so when you see me, don't be afraid." It was hilarious, especially considering that being "ready for war" just meant he was wearing a belt with a Ziploc baggie of marshmallows attached to it!

My lawn is covered in sticky, gooey marshmallow clumps, and I'm sure once things dry out we will be overrun by ants, but boy are they having fun!

Singing in the Rain

I love the rain! The last two days have been perfect weather. It has drizzled on and off and everything looks so beautiful and clean. I love that the temperature is cool - not hot and not cold. It is the perfect weather for wearing slippers and cuddling up in my favorite chair with a good book. It's the best hair weather 'cause it just goes in a ponytail, and if that's boring and drab, who cares! I love the sound it makes as it washes away the noises of the world. I love splashing in puddles and walking through damp grass. I love seeing Madison embrace the rain like I do . . . while Mackenzie huddles down and runs trying to avoid every drop. I love that Morgan still thinks it's great weather to walk outside bare foot. I love that Clayton comes in from outside smelling a clean wet. I just love the rain, and I have loved the last two days!

The Graduate

Morgan had her last day of three-year-old preschool yesterday, and it was so fun! This year we did preschool followed by playgroup with Samantha (Boyd), Lexie (Simpson), and Tyler (Besaw--Morgan's cousin), which worked out great!

At graduation they sang songs they learned this year, and we got to look through their journals to see the progress they've made. Grandma Besaw came to see Morgan and Tyler. It was a fun step in Morgan's life, and I can't believe that I only have one more year and all my kids will be in elementary school! Whatever will I do with myself?


They Say That Growing Up is Hard To Do

Being the baby of the family Morgan has had a lot of experience with getting told what to do. Don't get me wrong - she's had plenty of experience telling everyone else what to do, but a lot of times the littlest one gets over-ruled, and the other night she let us know she was sick of it! The evening went like this:

The family was in the car to go get dinner Friday when Craig made the mistake of asking, "What does everyone want?"

Morgan - "McDonalds!!!"
Craig - "No way, we are not going to McDonalds."
Morgan - "But I haven't had McDonalds for a long week!"
Melissa - "You just had McDonalds for lunch on Monday."
Morgan - "Yeah but that's lots of days!"
Melissa - "We're not doing McDonalds tonight, sorry."

After a few more minutes of this conversation, Morgan gets this cross look on her face and then in her most threatening voice and pointing her finger at me to add extra emphasis she says, "When I grow up, you'll grow down! I'm making a wish for that!"

I guess she just can't wait to start telling ME what to do for a change! Wonder if her wish will change in time for her birthday next month?


Pride isn't always wrong, right?

I have to say I had a very proud moment on Wednesday afternoon. Clayton advanced from his class to compete in the school-wide First Grade Spelling Bee. The impact of his accomplishment didn't quite hit me until I got to the school and realized how few kids made it. As any mother would, I felt completely nervous for him, but the saving grace was that the words didn't seem too tough.

When Clayton stood up to take his first turn, they gave him the word "author" and I about fell over. He spelled it "a-u-t-h-e-r" and was out on the first round. I felt crushed for him.

My proud moment came when he calmly walked away and came to stand by me, then proceeded to congratulate each of his schoolmates and friends who got out (most of whom were crying) on a job well done. I was so pleased that my EXTREMELY competitive son had the character and sportsmanship to be the first kid out and handle it with dignity.

Clayton, I am so proud of you and the wonderful young man you are becoming! Love you bud!


Dancing Divas!

Last Thursday night Mackenzie and Madison had a dance recital and performed "The Barn Raising" from the musical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It made for a busy week with rehearsals and the performance, but it was so worth it seeing them come alive on stage. Both Grandma & Grandpa Besaw and Grandma & Grandpa Laurence came to see the show, which was such a boost to the girls--we're so lucky to have such great family support! Mackenzie and Madison did an awesome job. After topping things off with milkshakes from Arctic Circle, we couldn't have asked for a better night!


Wacky for Webkinz

Our neighbor, Kerri, decided to sell her Webkinz collection. Because we have a couple birthdays coming up, I purchased the Li'l Bassett Hound from her. BIG MISTAKE!!! All four of my kids fell in love with it and begged me to let them keep it! Soon they were counting their money and scheming how they could each get a new Webkinz. (Turns out this is why Clayton wanted the tooth fairy money so badly.)

Finally it was settled:

Madison promised to do extra jobs to earn one more dollar so she could afford the gorilla.

Once the tooth fairy visited, Clayton would relinquish whatever he got from her the next morning so he could get the tree frog.

Morgan, having never lost teeth to get dollars and Mom not willing to pull any, would receive a generous donation from the parent fund for the unicorn.

Mackenzie already had all her money, so she got first choice and wanted to keep the Li'l Bassett Hound.

We gathered the kids' money (mostly coins) and made the call, only to get the answering machine. For the next hour and a half I had four kids constantly asking, "Has she called yet? Can we try her again?"

Finally the awaited call came and the precious pets were transferred across the back fence.

The next morning Morgan was designated "official babysitter" while the others attended school. Talk about three-year-old heaven! Thanks Kerri!


Tooth Two!

Clayton's first tooth must have really needed to come out as the new tooth is already poking through. Having tasted sweet success with the Toothfairy's visit the night before, Clayton worked like crazy on a second wiggly tooth all day Saturday. Sunday afternoon he asked me to pull it out for him. The things we moms do for our children! After a twist and a yank, out it came, and with it Craig pronounced he officially "has a whole in his head" two baby teeth wide!

The First Tooth - Finally

Friday afternoon Clayton came bounding in from school shouting for me to "come and see" and flashing his best smile! He had finally lost his first tooth! He said, "It just fell out on the way to school!"

This was a huge moment for him! For over a year he's watched all his friends and buddies lose multiple teeth. He's watched Madison deal with exposure surgery and braces because her front tooth STILL has not come down. He's waited, worried, and wiggled and at long last - 2 months before his seventh birthday - his bottom tooth "just fell out!"



Sunday afternoon Craig and I were in the office and the house sounded so peaceful! I called to Clayton and asked what he and Morgan were doing.

"Just playing battleship." I thought to myself, Wow - we've finally arrived at the stage where the kids will pull out a board game and play quietly together! How nice!

Shortly after, Clayton came into the office and presented an empty Spaghettios can: "Can we use this?"

"What do you want that for?"

"For battleship," he replied.

My curiosity was piqued; I followed him into the family room - no board game anywhere. He continued walking to the half bathroom where he and Morgan had filled the sink with water, made boats out of cans, cardboard and other materials, drew men that they had cut out and taped to their boats, and were trying to see who could sink the other's boats first. It was the cutest battleship game I'd ever seen!

Maybe it did make a big watery mess and maybe my peaceful board game days still haven't come about, but they sure were having fun! Most importantly they were laughing and working together. Clayton was trying to make a stronger boat for Morgan out of the Spaghettios can so that her boat would stand a better chance. She is so lucky to have a brother who looks out for her like that! I hope they never change - that they always help each other stay afloat!