
What's Better: Watching Cougar Basketball or Going to Jason's Deli?

The kids have discovered they have fun when we go to BYU basketball games, so they've looked forward to this game for a few weeks. We all had fun at the game, but it was quite a blowout and not all that exciting. More exciting was getting popcorn and waving wildly to try to capture attention to hopefully get a free t-shirt thrown their way. Morgan asked, "Dad, next time can we sit closer so that I can catch a t-shirt?" Ha-ha.

It was fun to coincidentally sit in front of Mark and Kim Bird, whom I know from my mission. Clayton enjoyed running into his friend and neighbor Nathan. It was also fun to see that six families from my ward that I know of were actually at the game. Yeah, that's what living in Utah County on BYU Basketball Family Night is all about: nosebleed tickets are only a dollar. The following little clip is about as exciting as the game got; listen carefully for Nathan's commentary at the end of the video:

On the way to the game, the kids all decided that after the game we should go to Jason's Deli for dinner. Being the mischievous daddy that I am, though, just to yank their chains, I decided to suggest that we go to a host of different restaurants. Morgan hit her breaking point, though, and exclaimed, "Oh come on. Let's just go to Jason's Deli." There was more of a plea in her voice than exasperation. I thought it was so funny that when we got to Jason's Deli, I asked her to do a redo; this is what we got:

In the end, on the family excite-o-meter, I think Jason's Deli beat out Cougar basketball this time around.