
Just Because I Love You

To my sweetheart, Melissa:

Why wait for Valentine's Day? Love in full bloom is a great thing to have. Thank you. Truly, I love you truly.


(Okay, Kent, I know you are gagging, but about that I feel a bit like Rhett when he walked out on Scarlet.)


Winnie said...

Could you have talk with Brad please?

Jenny said...

What a sweet husband!

Kent said...

Who is this Rhett character of which you speak and why was he walking out on a color?

T Fowler said...

So sweet - who knew Craig was such a romantic?

Leslie said...

What a wonderful surprise! But I must confess I'm much more intrigued by the brother/sister antics between you and Kent. I have a brother like that too and they're great!

Wendy said...

What a sweetie!!! Keep him for sure!!