
Hope of America

Madison and Mackenzie got to participate in the Hope of America program, which was part of the kickoff for America's Freedom Festival. They've had a great year in 5th grade with Mrs. Styler, and they've looked forward to Hope of America for a long time. About 3,600 kids from elementary schools in Utah County performed in the program at the Marriott Center at BYU.

The kids all sat on one side of the Marriott Center and wore red, white, blue, or yellow shirts to create the image of the American flag. The program consisted of a number of patriotic songs. The preceding video was the finale song, which was quite spectacular. Watch to the end to see what the "flag" looked like.

The girls were very excited for Grandma and Grandpa Besaw to come watch them, and it worked out great for me as I happened to teach class that evening and just walked over from my classroom after finishing teaching.

After the program we went to Baskin Robbins for an ice cream treat. The kids are always crazy about ice cream. In the end, they all zonked out on the way home! They were so exhausted it was funny. We all had a lot of fun, though.

1 comment:

Winnie said...

That's the best kind of exhaustion-wearing yourself out from having so much fun. So cute!