
Super Smash Kids

After months of waiting for the big day and finally receiving the much anticipated gift of Super Smash Brothers, we are pleased to announce that Clayton and all his buddies are very content with the birthday loot. On any given day, during those hot afternoon hours, the game room has become the air-conditioned sanctuary of six- to nine-year-old boys and girls. Occasionally, after the kids are in bed, this same room doubles as the adult sanctuary while we attempt to sharpen our abilities so we can try womping Clayton. Unfortunately, we don't often succeed.


Kent said...

There is one thing these boys (and even more so their mothers) should be very grateful for and that is having a mother at home while they play these video games.

In future years they will look back and be glad you were around. I remember going to a couple of friends' house, to play their video games, whose parents were never around. That was definately when we got up to no good. Glad to see these boys have you around to supervise...and to test their games for them.

Camille said...

I'm an airhead, but I don't know what Super Smash Brothers is. :)