
Just Keep Swimming

What would summer be without swimming lessons? Last week I spent every morning pulling hair into ponytails, slathering on sunscreen, driving my kids to the pool, and then coming home and washing four soggy towels and suits for our second session of swimming lessons this summer. It's a lot of work, but the kids love it. Sadly, this is the last year Mackenzie and Madison will participate in this summer ritual. However, I'm happy to say that our efforts have paid off as our three older kids are all pretty good swimmers, and Clayton is a natural diver. Now if we can just get Morgan to stop crying every time she has to go underwater, we will have succeeded!


Wendy said...

Were your lessons at the Stapps? I think I recognize the pool. I miss them!! They lived in MI when I was on my mission. Tay did his lessons out there for 2 years before we moved!

The Laurence Family said...


Unfortunately I do not know the Stapps. My kids take swim lessons through Jan Lamb and I believe this pool is the Lindstroms.
